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Saturday 9 May 2015

Uruguayan 11-year-old pregnant and wants to keep child

A few days ago, it was the pregnancy of a ten-year-old pregnant girl in Paraguay and now an eleven-year-old Uruguayan girl is 16 weeks pregnant from rape, and she wants to keep the baby, Fox News Latino reports. According to El Pais, she was raped by the 41-year-old partner of her sister, while he was visiting the girl's home in Montevideo.

In Uruguay, abortion is legal in most cases up to 12 weeks; it's legal up until the 14th week in rape cases. The girl, who reportedly has learning disabilities, has expressed an interest in keeping the baby and raising it with her attacker, but doctors worry that she doesn't fully understand what's happening to her.

Marisa Lindner, director of Uruguay's Child and Adolescent Institute (INAU), said during a press conference that even though the deadline for an abortion has passed, there may be a way for the government to give "judicial authorization" for the girl to have an abortion.

However, representatives from Pereira Rossell hospital, where the girl is reportedly staying, told La Diaria that the girl is in good health and there's no risk to either her or the fetus, so they can't force her to undergo an abortion.

The man has been arrested and will be prosecuted for rape.

Source: Cosmopolitan

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