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Monday 23 January 2017

$11million missing from The Gambia's treasury after Yahya Jammeh went on exile

More than $11 million is reportedly missing from The Gambia's treasury after their long-time leader, Yahya Jammeh went on exile. According to Mai Ahmad Fatty who is an adviser to the new President, Adama Barrow, the financial experts are still trying to evaluate the exact loss.

Speaking to reporters, Mr Fatty revealed that The Gambia was in financial crisis as their coffers are almost empty.

"The coffers are virtually empty, It has been confirmed by technicians in the ministry of finance and the Central Bank of the Gambia." he said.

He also said Jammeh had made away with more than $11 million in the past two weeks.

It is also reported that luxury cars and other items were seen being loaded on to a Chadian plane on the night Mr Yahya Jammeh left the country. Although The Gambia's main airport have been instructed not to let any of Mr Jammeh's properties leave the country.

Mr Jammeh is reportedly now in Equatorial Guinea. However, the authorities of Equatorial Guinea are yet to confirm the reports.

Source: BBC

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