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Friday 24 March 2017

Virgin Mary statue shock worshippers after it starts crying blood in Argentina

A statue of the Virgin Mary with red liquid flowing from its eye, down its face has shocked devotees in Argentina. The statue was placed in its usual place at a family chapel in Los Naranjos, Argentina, when the unusual phenomenon was noticed to the amazement of onlookers.

Pictures show the Virgin Inmaculada Concepcion de Maria figure with a red stain on the left side of its face, flowing down to its robes. It has now been transferred to the local Catholic Church where more devotees can have access to it. Church officials are waiting for the statue to" weep" again so they can report it as a miracle, priest Ricardo Quiroga explained.

“A lot of people come here to pray and light several candles devoted to the Virgin. The first impression is that it is blood on the face of the Virgin, from the left eye. Also, the dress she is wearing is also totally stained this same red colour,” the priest said"If she cries again, we need to do something at a high level in the church," he added. "Maybe we would need to send her to be evaluated.”

The statue began to shed the bloody tears during lent and a number of Catholic faithful, including the priest, see it as a sign calling Catholics to a life of holiness during this solemn period.

"The Virgin is asking us to change the way we live now for Lent," Fr. Ricardo said.

 The owner of the statue revealed to local news that prior to the occurrence, the Virgin Mary had visited him in a dream. He said:

"It was the first time something like this has happened and I was very scared. I thought it was some kind of punishment."

This will not be the first time something similar has happened. In November 2016, a video went viral of a statue of the Virgin Mary crying blood, this time in a church in Jalisco, Mexico.

Watch the video of the Mexico occurrence below...

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