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Friday 24 July 2015

Emeka Ike met me a virgin, yet treats me badly- Wife tells Court

Wife of popular actor, Emma Ike is desperately seeking an end to their 12-year-old marriage which has produced four kids between ages four to 13. (Initial gist here)

Although the actor was absent when the matter came before the President of the court, Chief Awos Awosola, but his Defense counsel, Abdul’Hakeem Labi-Lawal, said his client has not appeared in court because he is ill.

“My client is ill but I will try my best possible to see that he comes on the next adjourned date. We indulge the court to give us six months from this day to see if there is possibility of settlement between the couple,” he said.

In her evidence, Mrs. Ike said six months was too long adding that the respondent had two years to reconcile with her but he didn’t.

“The last time I wanted to speak with our children, it was my mother-in-law who picked the call and asked if I had read Exodus 21 which says that if I go, I shouldn’t return,” she explained.

However, the court later granted two weeks to the defense counsel to explore amicable resolution. The matter will now be heard on August 12.

Speaking shortly after, Emma said “If I was still with him, I may not survive. I was 19-years old when I met him and he was the one who broke my egg. I see no reason I shouldn’t be treated with utmost respect.”

According to her, things became worse last Sunday when she called her husband to speak with their children.

In tears, Mrs Ike said:”I almost went mad when my first son told me on phone that if I truly loved them, I wouldn’t have abandoned them. Even my seven-year-old son whose day wouldn’t be complete without seeing me said he doesn’t love me. I love my children. I miss my children. I never abandoned them. I am in pain. They don’t have any other mother. I really need my children. I am a good woman; I endured so many things as his wife.”

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